Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Capital One Mascot Bowl Matchup of the Week? Yeah, Screw That...

The dynamic duo at EDSBS, in their infinite wisdom and taste, hereby direct your attention to the knock-down drag-out no-holds-barred battle-royal throw-down currently in the works at the Athlon Sideline Spirit Contest, which from the looks of it, is designed to do nothing more than get yours truly into deep, wide, and permanent trouble with the fie-annce, as Holly Hunter in Raising Arizona would put it. Although it does beat tracking the regional voting percentages of an overgrown shag rug with eyeballs...

Yeah, we won't be sleeping on the couch because of him...her...that thing from WKU...

So do your duty and vote, people. While the dynamic duo are understandably boosting for the hometown Florida girl currently in the running (although we all know what a mess it becomes when you put "Florida" and "voting" together), we here at Sportsthodoxy urge you to vote your conscience. Which should be leading you toward the Pac-10's entrant, frankly...

Weak conference, my eye...

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