Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Basic Reading Comprehension For Fans, Part 1

Time for some remedial English reminders:

"I don't like this move" is not the same as "I hate your team".

"I am not willing to give your favorite team a verbal tongue bath over every move they make, no matter how minor or questionable" is not the same as "I hate your team".

"Your favorite team still has some holes left to fill" is not the same as "I hate your team".

"This player on your favorite team is not the best at his position/is on the back nine of his career/comes with some risks" is not the same as "I hate your team".

And "Other teams are probably still better than your favorite team" is not the same as "I hate your team".

This will not matter to the vast majority of people whose immediate response to any coverage of their favorite team that is not boot-lickingly positive is "YOU HATE MY TEAM". Really, persecution complexes are all they have to keep them going, the sense that their fandom is a unique and special cross to bear that will be someday vindicated no matter how many aging left fielders upper management signs to 4-year deals. It is no doubt a more comforting and all-consuming fandom than "Enh, bad move, I hope that doesn't come back to bite us in a couple of years."

It just makes you look like a jackass to to the rest of the world. Which, I suppose, is its own reward.

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